A Curious Invitation present London Month of the Dead
When Science Meets Crime
Agatha, Bernard and Crime with Carla Valentine
on Saturday the 28th October 2023 at 3:30 pm

Agatha Christie is often mistakenly referred to as a 'cosy' crime writer, but nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout her entire cannon of detective novels, short stories and plays, she reveals herself to be inspired by some of the 20th century's most infamous crimes such as The Brides in the Bath killings and the Acid Bath Murderer. She also illustrates a comprehensive knowledge of what we now call 'Forensic Science'; something she would have described as Medicolegal Science and Criminalistics.

This talk focuses on the golden age of both Agatha's detective fiction and the burgeoning real-life sciences of crime investigation and forensics which happily collide in many of Agatha's works - often inspired by one well-known criminalist. From his investigation of the Dr Crippen case in 1910 (a murder which Christie mentions in around 15 of her books) forensic pathologist Bernard Spilsbury became one of the most famous men in England until his death in 1947, and the gruesome murders he testified about in court were frequently on the front page of every newspaper. Christie, then, was inspired by him and his work, and on many occasions crime fact became crime fiction.

Join Carla for a deep dive into autopsies, fingerprints, firearms, blood spatter analysis, toxicology, and more in Christie's beloved works and you'll never read her in the same way again!

Tickets £12 including a delightful gin cocktail and a 20% donation to the King's Chaplaincy Trust. Please click here to purchase.

Carla Valentine
Carla Valentine is a writer, broadcaster and Senior Anatomical Pathology Technologist (Mortuary Technician or ‘Mortician’). She is currently the Technical Curator of a QMUL’s pathology museum, restoring the 5000 anatomical specimens to their former glory and teasing stories from the dead in a different way. She organises events to showcase the collection, teaches students, and conserves anatomical specimens every day. Her book “Post Mortems” is published by Sphere. You can currently see her in ‘Obesity: the Post Mortem’ on BBC iPlayer and ‘Fatberg Autopsy’ on 4OD.