A Curious Invitation present London Month of the Dead
Agatha's London
Humanity's Quest to Speak with the Dead with Gary Lachman
on Sunday the 22nd October 2023 at 1:30 pm

Conversing with the deceased has remained a deeply ingrained desire for humankind, from Ulysses' encounter with the dead seer Teiresias to the Witch of Endor's endeavour to raise spirits for defeating the Philistines. Today, advancements in AI technology have brought us closer to the possibility of communicating with departed loved ones, making this ancient fascination more relevant than ever.

While once condemned as the realm of black magic, this curiosity has given rise to a surprising array of methodologies aimed at bridging the gap between the living and the departed. Animated cadavers, spiritual journeys to the afterlife, messages channeled through mediums, and altered states of consciousness are just a few of the diverse approaches that have been employed to connect with the departed.

In this talk, author Gary Lachman will look at our history and the future of our attempts to communicate with the dead and will shed light on this intriguing aspect of human curiosity and, with any luck, will raise a spirit or two.

Tickets £12 including a delightful gin cocktail and a 20% donation to Brompton Cemetery. Please click here to purchase.

Gary Lachman
Gary Lachman, also known as Gary Valentine, is an American writer and musician. He came to prominence in the mid-1970s as the bass guitarist for the punk rock/new wave band Blondie. He is now a full time writer and the author of twenty-one books on topics ranging from the evolution of consciousness to literary suicides, popular culture and the history of the occult.

Brompton Cemetery